Every year, every summer! Give us a call to confirm availability.
We know that you have choices of summer activities in and around the Baltimore, Washington DC region and are excited that you are thinking about our:
DAY CAMP registration for Piano/Organ, Voice/Acting, and Orchestral cost is $125 and includes:
- The Registration process
- Music
- Music History Book
- Music Theory book
- a music bag
Tuition $700 for 2 weeks. The Tuition includes
- Private lessons or Sectionals
- Class/Group instruction in Music History, Drama (in singing camp), Music Theory and Ear Training,
- Solo practice periods
- Ensemble rehearsals,
- Daily snacks,
- Masterclasses,
- Afternoon Harp classes
- Steel Pan class at the end of each day by Sheldon Thwaites, B.Mus.
- The final recital or concert
- A field trip off campus and for the Little Mozarts trips to the Library for story time and other age appropriate activities.
Register HERE