- DEC 31-JAN 1, 2013, OMS Singers join the Celebration Choir of Metropolitan SDA Church, singing for the US Park Service’s Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the reading of the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION at the top of Arlington Cemetery, which at that time was a refuge place for escaped slaves, the Arlington House owned by General Robert E. Lee and his wife, Mary Custis Lee.
- SUN January 13 at 4:00 pm, OMS 40th Anniversary Concert Series, #1 Concert, featuring Mark Pipes, saxophone, assisted by Naoko Maeda, Karen Hinkley, pianists, OMS Singers, Jeanette Kelly Futch, singer, tap dancer, and David Griffiths, singer/pianist/composer.
- SAT January 19 at 11:00 am, at Crossroads Seventh-day Adventist Church, 410 45th Street, New York City, featuring Kera Matthews (6), piano and Alexander Adjahoe (6) double seconds steel drums
- SAT January 26 at 4:00-4:45 pm At Hillhaven Nursing Home and Rehab Center, 3210 Powdermill Road, Adelphi, MD. Featuring Kianna Kelly-Futch, treble vocalist, Wrayzene Willoughby, pianist
- TUE January29, 6:30-7:30 pm Happy Birthday to Mozart
- SAT February 2 at 10:15-10:30 am OMS singers and pianist at Takoma Park SDA Church “Black Composers through the Ages”
- SAT February 23 at 4:00-5:00 pm OMS Singers and Kera Matthews and Wrayzene Willoughby pianists at Burnt Mills SDA Church, Silver Spring, MD “Church Music of Black Composers”
- MON February 25 6:30-7:30 pm OMS Singers and Soloists, Pianists and Strings at Ottley Music School
- SAT March 9 at 10:00-10:40 am OMS Singers, Strings, Pianists, vocal soloists at Capitol Hill SDA Church “Church Music of Black Composers”.
- SAT March 16 at 4:00 pm OMS at Hillhaven Nursing Home.
- WED March 27, 6:30-7:30 am at Ottley Music School, Pre-Easter concert music, and also featuring 6 selections from Les Miserables.
- SAT, April 6, 5:00-7:00 pm at Takoma Park SDA Church, OMS 40th Anniversary Concert Series,#2 Concert, featuring concert pianist, Julia Siciliano, assisted by Pianist Leigha Logan, and duet, Pianist Kera Matthews and steel pannist Alex Adjahoe at Takoma Park SDA Church.
- SAT, April 13, 5:00 pm at Pisgah SDA Church, 5830 Bumpy Oak Road, Bryans Road, Maryland on a concert by Tanya Blount, OMS features Destini Anaiya Bennett, and Kera and Alex.
- SAT, April 20, 4:00 pm Wrayzene Willoughby pianist at Hillhaven Rehab Center and Nursing Home.
- SUN, May 5, 4:00 pm at Albright Memorial United Methodist Church, 411 Rittenhouse Street, NW, DC, OMS Singers, as well as Alex Adjahoe and Kera Matthews on Double Seconds and Piano.
- SAT, May 11, 9:00 am at Colesville United Methodist Church, Randolph Road, Silver Spring, MD for Washington District Women’s Ministries Prayer Breakfast, Alex Adjahoe on Steel Drums.
- SAT, May 18, 4:00 pm at Pianist/Vocalist Myrben Benerayan at Hillhaven Rehab Center and Nursing Home.
- SUN, June 2, at 1:45 pm OMS Singers at Washington Cancer Institute’s Survivor’s Celebration at the Medstar Washington Hospital Center’s True Auditorium, Washington, D.C.
- FRI, June 14, OMS Graduation at OMS at 5:30 pm
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