Percussion:  Hand Drums

This course will explore an accelerated scheme in identifying the properties of African drumming as it is demonstrated in the Djembe orchestra. This includes but is not limited to refining the foundational skills of the instruments in the orchestra, as well as exploring the language of the drum. This process will incorporate this understanding as it is relevant to traditional and contemporary djembe music. Each student must demonstrate an improved understanding of the intricacies of the music in the Djembe orchestra individually as well as with the ensemble.

Throughout the duration of the class, students will be engaged with information that stimulates the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor interest with a universal appeal to a limitless demographic of students. The goal of the African drumming class is to engage the student’s interest in the drum from a fun and educational perspective while maintaining a respect and reverence for the cultures that are represented in the music of the Djembe.

There is an exciting and comprehensive method of instruction that has been designed to effectively communicate the complex language of the djembe into phrasing that can make a capable djembe player, regardless of a student’s natural aptitude. This method is process-oriented, give students the satisfaction of accomplishment throughout the journey of learning the rhythms designated for the class. This method of phrase accumulation is rooted in the traditional method of learning the drums of the djembe ensemble. This traditional method has been combined with a unique and contemporary system of note recognition and patterning that is both easy to learn and fun for all groups.

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